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Mason Pearson Pure Bristle Pocket Size Child Hair Brush

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Product Name
Mason Pearson Pure Bristle Pocket Size Child Hair Brush
Product Description

Mason Pearson Brushes have been made in England for more than 130 years and the Pearson family continues hand making these high-quality brushes. The plastic handles are hand-finished with any sharp edges smoothed out for comfort.The Pure Bristle brushes are made from real premium boar bristles. No boars are harmed in the process of collecting their bristles.Because this is a child’s Sensitive brush it uses softer bristles for children’s delicate fine and thin hair and sensitive scalp. The pocket-sizing of the brush allows it to fit a child’s hand.The bristles are also cut the same length for children’s hair. The brush is recommended for children between ages three and six. It was created to help children get used to using a brush and brushing their own hair.Brushing distributes natural oils through hair stimulates follicle circulation and exfoliates the scalp. The pneumatic feature the brush’s rubber cushion pad makes brushing easy because the pad tracks the scalp’s curves.

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Last updated
February 28, 2025

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