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The Big Bleep (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Big Bleep (Paperback)
Product Description

The Big Bleep is a satirical tribute to Raymond Chandler s classic American noir detective story The Big Sleep that became the standard for crime stories featuring tough cynical characters and bleak noir scenarios.The principle characters in his book were portayed in film noir by Humphrey Bogart and Laren Bacall. The Big Bleep is the story of hard-boiled Harley riding detective Sam Shovel digging up the truth on a comedic existential journey of self-realization.It s an investigation into a universe where a fictional character can become self-aware -- just like in real life!And it s the only book that tells the truth about what REALLY happened to the Earth dinosaurs... (really).

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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