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Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients: A Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients : Complete Information about the Harmful and Desirable Ingredients in Cosmeticsand Cosmeceuticals (Edition 5) (Paperback)

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Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients: A Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients : Complete Information about the Harmful and Desirable Ingredients in Cosmeticsand Cosmeceuticals (Edition 5) (Paperback)
Product Description

The fifth edition of this classic guide first published in 1978 continues the tradition of being the most up-to-date complete and trusted reference for taking the guesswork out of choosing safe and effective cosmetics and toiletries. Take the guesswork out of choosing safe and effective cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. You wouldn t eat something without knowing what it was. Don t you want to take the same care with what you put on your face hair and body? Find out what s in your health and beauty products with Ruth Winter s A Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients. This updated and expanded sixth edition gives you all the facts you need to protect yourself and your family from possible irritants confusing chemical names or exaggerated claims of beauty from gimmick additives. Virtually every chemical found in toiletries cosmetics and cosmeceuticals--from body and face creams to toothpaste hand lotion shaving cream shampoo soap perfume and makeup--is evaluated in this book including those ingredients marketed as being all-natural for children and for people of color. The alphabetical arrangement makes it easy to look up the ingredients in the products you use. With new substances popping up in products we utilize every day--and with the continuing deregulation of the cosmetics industry-- A Consumer s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients is more indispensable than ever.

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January 13, 2025

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