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Sabre Red 52CFT30 Crossfire Stream MK-4 Pepper Spray 1.33% MC 3.0 Ounces

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Product Name
Sabre Red 52CFT30 Crossfire Stream MK-4 Pepper Spray 1.33% MC 3.0 Ounces
Product Description

Practice defensive maneuvers and equipment handling with 1.4 oz MK-3 Crossfire Inert Training Units from Sabre. Designed to deliver accurate and realistic training simulations these inert units allow trainees to develop and perfect the quick-draw and deployment techniques that could save lives in the field. Each unit matches the exact specs of the live counter part it simulates allowing the trainee to practice full-speed combat exercises w/out risk of harming their partner or themselves. The unit utilizes Sabre s 3rd generation Crossfire technology and an enlarged trigger-button to allow the user to quickly and naturally deploy the spray from any position. ASTM E3215-19 Certified.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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