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Farnam Repel-X pe Concentrated Fly Spray for Horses Just Add Water 32 Ounces

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Product Name
Farnam Repel-X pe Concentrated Fly Spray for Horses Just Add Water 32 Ounces
Product Description

When you need large amounts of fly spray to protect your horses without going over budget look no further than Repel-X pe Emulsifiable Fly Spray. By simply adding water Repel-X pe Emulsifiable Fly Spray becomes a powerful and affordable solution to keeping flies off your horse and out of your stable. This “do-it-yourself” product is a concentrate that is as easy to use as adding and mixing with water. For every pint of concentrate Repel-X pe Emulsifiable Fly Spray creates a gallon of ready-to-use fly spray. In other words our 32-ounce container mixes to yield 256 ounces of ready fly spray. And don’t worry just because it’s water-based doesn’t mean this fly spray isn’t effective. The finished product repels and kills horn flies house flies stable flies horse and deer flies as well as gnats and mosquitoes. The repellent is also effective against ticks including deer ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. If you’re looking for a dependable fly spray that is friendly to your budget and harsh on flies try Repel-X pe Emulsifiable Fly Spray. Bugs don’t fly with Farnam your partner in horse care.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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