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YouYeap 61 Key Portable Electric Piano Keyboard Set with Headphone Stand Stool and Power Supply

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Product Name
YouYeap 61 Key Portable Electric Piano Keyboard Set with Headphone Stand Stool and Power Supply
Product Description

YouYeap 61 Key Piano Keyboard is a very suitable product for beginners and advanced players. The appearance design is exquisite concise and generous the panel has clear function key identification tone color rhythm and instrument type identification which avoids messy display of text. The big size LCD not only displays the status of each function but also has fingered Follow-Up instructions. The notes being played can correspond to the staff on the screen which is very beneficial for beginners. The piano body is small and light weighing only 4.5 kg and you can easily enjoy the joy of playing no matter when and where. The 61-key piano keyboard with 3 teaching modes is a wonderful learning tool for beginners. 2 high-quality speakers make the sound simple and rich as soft as the winter sun bright warm and calm. With an LCD can simply and clearly display the status of the functions being used and can also provide feedback on the built-in teaching functions. Everyone is a born musician. Specifications Rated voltage: External power adapter DC-12V Tone and rhythm: 200 standard MIDI voices/200 rhythm styles Demo: 70 demo songs Control and effect: Keyboard percussion metronome vibrato delay effect Dual-Voice Keyboard material: ABS Body material: Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Other material: Wire plastic Package Includes: 61-Key Piano Keyboard Music Stand Head phone Keyboard Stand Bench DC 12V/AC Adaptor User Manual

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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