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Topics in Current Chemistry: Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences (Hardcover)

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Topics in Current Chemistry: Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences (Hardcover)
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WHAT DOES NOT NEED TO BE BIG WILL BE SMALL a word by an engineer at a recent conference on chips technology. This sentence is particularly true for chemistry. Microfabrication technology emerged from microelectronics into areas like mechanics and now chemistry and biology. The engineering of micron and submicron sized features on the surface of silicon glass and polymers opens a whole new world. Micromotors smaller than human hair have been fabricated and they work fine. It is the declared goal of the authors to bring these different worlds together in this volume. Authors have been carefully chosen to guarantee for the quality of the contents. An engineer a chemist or a biologist will find new impulses from the various chapters in this book.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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