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Ultrascreen: Scorsese : A Journey Through the American Psyche (Paperback)

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Ultrascreen: Scorsese : A Journey Through the American Psyche (Paperback)
Product Description

From the violence-drenched streets of Taxi Driver to King of Comedy s crazed celebrity stalker to the urban warfare of Casino and Gangs of New York Martin Scorsese s films are definitive works that reveal the dark heart of American culture. This new anthology compiles the best interviews reviews and articles pertaining to a man rightfully hailed as one of the most talented and respected directors in the history of film. Rising to prominence in the cinematic golden age of the 1970s Scorsese led a group of young iconoclastic directors who took filmmaking to new artistic heights while advancing it as a powerful form of social commentary. This carefully chosen collection the fifth title in the Ultrascreen series examines Scorsese s personal history and passions and how they have informed and inspired his filmmaking. Spanning several decades this anthology charts the evolution of modern cinema through the work of one of its masters. Martin Scorsese: A Journey through the American Psyche collects the best articles interviews and reviews in one unique anthology to reveal Scorsese as an unrivalled storyteller and visual stylist who has consistently tackled controversial material exploring alienation crime and the war-path of the urban male ego. First stunning audiences with Mean Streets starring Robert de Niro their further collaborations produced classics including Taxi Driver Raging Bull Goodfellas and Casino. While best known for these Scorsese has made a huge variety of films and this anthology covers every single one providing a thorough assessment of one of modern cinema s masters.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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