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Generations of Captivity: A History of African-American Slaves (Paperback)

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Generations of Captivity: A History of African-American Slaves (Paperback)
Product Description

Ira Berlin traces the history of African-American slavery in the United States from its beginnings in the seventeenth century to its fiery demise nearly three hundred years later. Most Americans black and white have a singular vision of slavery one fixed in the mid-nineteenth century when most American slaves grew cotton resided in the deep South and subscribed to Christianity. Here however Berlin offers a dynamic vision a major reinterpretation in which slaves and their owners continually renegotiated the terms of captivity. Slavery was thus made and remade by successive generations of Africans and African Americans who lived through settlement and adaptation plantation life economic transformations revolution forced migration war and ultimately emancipation. Berlin s understanding of the processes that continually transformed the lives of slaves makes Generations of Captivity essential reading for anyone interested in the evolution of antebellum America. Connecting the Charter Generation to the development of Atlantic society in the seventeenth century the Plantation Generation to the reconstruction of colonial society in the eighteenth century the Revolutionary Generation to the Age of Revolutions and the Migration Generation to American expansionism in the nineteenth century Berlin integrates the history of slavery into the larger story of American life. He demonstrates how enslaved black people by adapting to changing circumstances prepared for the moment when they could seize liberty and declare themselves the Freedom Generation. This epic story told by a master historian provides a rich understanding of the experience of African-American slaves an experience that continues to mobilize American thought and passions today.

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March 4, 2025

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