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Joyce Meyer: Managing Your Emotions: Daily Wisdom for Remaining Stable in an Unstable World a 90 Day Devotional (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Joyce Meyer: Managing Your Emotions: Daily Wisdom for Remaining Stable in an Unstable World a 90 Day Devotional (Hardcover)
Product Description

The highs and lows of life bring many challenges and our feelings want to swing accordingly like an emotional roller coaster taking us from one extreme to another throughout the day-if we let them. Our emotions serve a purpose but if we allow them to dictate how we choose to act we lose our peace and stability which leads only to confusion anxiety anger and a host of other unhealthy attitudes. It s a dangerous way to live and can cause us to make bad decisions that impact ourselves and others. But it doesn t have to be this way. The Bible contains wisdom to help you learn to manage your emotions each day no matter what challenges life brings your way. And with this 90-day devotional you ll discover how to take charge of those fickle feelings before they take charge of you!

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March 4, 2025

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