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Organza Bag Jewellery Bag Organza Candy Bag Wedding Gift Birthday Party Bags Pack of 100

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Product Name
Organza Bag Jewellery Bag Organza Candy Bag Wedding Gift Birthday Party Bags Pack of 100
Product Description

The colors of the organza bags are very diverse and very beautiful, the workmanship is good. Each organza bag comes with a drawstring, easy to close and open. The bags are of good quality, the ribbons are sufficiently tear-resistant to tie them to bottle necks or similar. The bags are very dense, but also very permeable for various fragrances. Very good and suitable for many purposes. Suitable for fruit gardens, grapes and blackberries with the bags from insects such as wasps, also protected from birds. Product descriptions Color: Red | Size: 13x18 cm The quality of the bags are very good, the colors are super pretty. The colorful mixed organza bags are suitable for small surprises and gifts. Beautiful colors and beautiful bags, perfect for giving something small, beautifully packed. It is perfect for jewelry, beads, candy, weddings and parties, etc. Perfect for wedding, party sweets, chocolate, gift and jewelry, etc.

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Last updated
November 17, 2024

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