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Freedom and Community (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Freedom and Community (Hardcover)
Product Description

The theory of liberty here propounded by Simon along with his analysis of authority democracy and practical wisdom contains the elements of a political philosophy that can provide direction to other contemporary political theorists of our times. While the latter have gathered great masses of political facts they have lacked a normative set of ideas that can make these facts meaningful and useful to political society. Simon s position as a philosopher rather than as a political scientist is that while there is a science of social and political facts a normative moral philosophy that knows the ends of human action is necessary because people make good or bad use of their freedom. As always Simon here writes with a lucidity and moderation that will be satisfying to reasonable people looking for a way out of skepticism and uncertainty. He was no dogmatist but he knew what he knew and what he did not know. This is the beginning of wisdom and a model for philosophers.

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March 4, 2025

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