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Like a Splinter in Your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the Matrix Trilogy (Paperback)

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Like a Splinter in Your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the Matrix Trilogy (Paperback)
Product Description

Like a Splinter in Your Mind leads readers through the myriad of philosophical themes within the Matrix trilogy helping them to gain a better understanding of the films and of philosophy itself. Offers a way into philosophy through the Matrix films. Covers thirteen of the biggest philosophical questions in thirteen self-sufficient chapters suitable for course use. Demonstrates how each of these questions is illustrated through the events and characters of the films. Considers whether sentient machines are possible and whether we should expect them to face the same existentialist issues that we do. Familiarises readers with key issues in metaphysics epistemology ethics philosophy of mind race and gender existentialism Taoism and mysticism. Includes a chapter that explains some of the technical elements of the films and confusing aspects of the plot. Also includes a Matrix glossary and a cast of characters and their related symbolism.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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