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Field Tuff 4 x4 Steel Drag Rake Field Leveling Harrow with 1/2 Teeth

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Product Name
Field Tuff 4 x4 Steel Drag Rake Field Leveling Harrow with 1/2 Teeth
Product Description

Why work harder than you need on maintaining your lawn or playing field when you can have one tool that makes things a whole lot easier? Save valuable time energy and labor with the Field Tuff 4 x 4-Foot ATV Drag Harrow. This 4 x 4-foot drag harrow is perfect for leveling a playing field or preparing seedbeds and lawns for planting. It features 0.5-inch thick harrow teeth to handle the toughest leveling jobs. The 7 horizontal rows of tines with 69 tines make this drag harrow ready for your tough jobs and weigh 129 pounds. Don t worry about the hassle of setting up because its universal tow chain-style ring makes it easy to hook up to any ATV UTV or utility tractor with a 2-inch trailer ball. Your field or lawn will be looking fresher than ever. Work smarter not harder with the Field Tuff Drag Harrow.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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