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The Power of Choice: Living the Life You Always Wanted and Absolutely Deserve (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Power of Choice: Living the Life You Always Wanted and Absolutely Deserve (Paperback)
Product Description

Life is full of choices and those choices impact the life you live. In The Power of Choice author Berge Minasian provides strategies for taking charge of your destiny to improve your life. Filled with anecdotes and real-life stories The Power of Choice shows you how to make a goal and take firm action toward that goal by managing your behavior. This self-improvement guide helps you come to terms with the following basic tenets: - Whatever you believe with conviction becomes your reality. - Your mind controls your body. - Your mind has the power to comply with your expectations. - Happiness is a function of how you interpret events in your life. - Whatever you say to yourself over and over is what you become. - You become just like the people you surround yourself with. Minasian also helps you understand the role faith plays in your life the importance of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills methods to control the ego that controls you and ways to mentally create the blissful state of oneness with your higher power The Power of Choice teaches you how to reframe the events in your life and move from being a victim to being the architect of your own well-being.

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March 4, 2025

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