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Preserving by the Pint : Quick Seasonal Canning for Small Spaces from the author of Food in Jars (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Preserving by the Pint : Quick Seasonal Canning for Small Spaces from the author of Food in Jars (Hardcover)
Product Description

The perfect follow up to Food in Jars: More seasonal canning in smaller bites! If most canning recipes seem to yield too much for your small kitchen Preserving by the Pint has smaller--but no less delicious--batches to offer. Author Marisa McClellan discovered that most vintage recipes are written to feed a large family or to use up a farm-size crop but increasingly found that smaller batches suited her life better. Working with a quart a pound a pint or a bunch of produce not a bushel allows for dabbling in preserving without committing a whole shelf to storing a single type of jam. Preserving by the Pint is meant to be a guide for saving smaller batches from farmer s markets and produce stands-preserving tricks for stopping time in a jar. McClellan s recipes offer tastes of unusual preserves like: Blueberry Maple Jam Mustardy Rhubarb Chutney Sorrel Pesto Zucchini Bread and Butter Pickles Organized seasonally these pestos sauces mostardas chutneys butters jams jellies and pickles are speedy too: some take under an hour leaving you more time to plan your next batch.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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