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Hamilton Buhl Deluxe Multimedia Headset(Headphone) with Mic Black

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Product Name
Hamilton Buhl Deluxe Multimedia Headset(Headphone) with Mic Black
Product Description

It s a Deluxe Multimedia Headphone With Mic in Black coulur. The HA-66M is a high quality over-ear headset with built-in gooseneck microphone and volume control.This headset features washable replaceable leatherette ear cushions and an adjustable headband in an easy-to-wear lightweight deluxe design with noise-reducing swivel ear-cups and Dura-Cord - our chew and kink resistant PVC jacketed nylon cord.Each HA-66M headset comes in its own heavy-duty write-on moisture resistant reclosable bag. When sealed in the bag lice are killed in 2448 hours without the use of chemicals. There is one 3.5mm plug for the microphone and one 3.5mm plug for the headphone. (2 total plugs). This is a stereo headphone.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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