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Schiffer Book for Collectors: Evolving Southwest Indian Jewelry (Hardcover)

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Schiffer Book for Collectors: Evolving Southwest Indian Jewelry (Hardcover)
Product Description

This new book is a classic study of Southwest Native American jewelry that documents the fascinating story of evolving designs and techniques from early traders and artists up to the present. The concise yet highly informative text accompanies over 500 color photographs of silver turquoise shell and gold jewelry. Here is a chronological progression of Navajo Zuni Hopi and Pueblo belts buckles bracelets necklaces men s jewelry earrings and pins from the late 19th century to the present. Classic styles are shown to have evolved as new materials techniques and uses developed. Many contemporary artists are showcased bringing this important study right up to date.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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