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Contemporary American Ethnic Issues Asian American Issues (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Contemporary American Ethnic Issues Asian American Issues (Hardcover)
Product Description

Many Asian Americans have made great strides in achieving the American Dream. However this diverse population faces great challenges from outside their communities as well as from within. Asian American Issues brings to the fore eight major issues affecting the Asian American population today including media stereotypes of a model minority transnationalism panethnicity intergenerational conflict and cultural expression. Students will find that the background narrative and questions for debate and discussion are a meaningful way to engage in the current events of this growing ethnic group. The history of Asian immigrants in the United States spans more than 200 years. Today they are the third largest minority group. Almost half live in the West but there are population shifts to other regions of the country. As they become more visible community dynamics continue to evolve. Each generation also struggles with what it means to be Asian American.

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March 4, 2025

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