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Wizard Card Game: the Ultimate Game of Trump! (Other)

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Product Name
Wizard Card Game: the Ultimate Game of Trump! (Other)
Product Description

Deluxe Wizard comes with a set of six sturdy plastic bid indicator wheels to help keep track of players bids.Jesters always lose and Wizards always win. In the first round players start out with one card. In the second round players are deal two cards and so on with each round becoming more challenging. When you make your exact bid you earn points. If you take too many or too few tricks you lose points. The special custom Wizard Score Sheet helps players keep track of bids and points. Wizard Card Game can be played with 3-6 players.Wizard Deluxe Edition includes 60-card deck 6 Plastic bidding wheels custom score pad and instructions in English French and Spanish 2011 Winner Dr. Toy Best Classic Toy Award Five-time winner Games 100 Selection Wizard FAQs are available here. Check out our entire line of Wizard products

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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