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Just Take a Bite: Easy Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges! (Paperback)

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Just Take a Bite: Easy Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges! (Paperback)
Product Description

Winner of an iParenting Media Award! Is your child a picky eater or a full-fledged resistant eater? Does he or she eat only 3-20 foods refusing all others eat from only one food group or gag tantrum or become anxious if you introduce new foods? If so you have a resistant eater. Learn the possible causes when you need professional help and how to deal with the behavior at home. Learn why don t play with your food and clean your plate --along with many other old saws--are just plain wrong. And who said you have to eat dessert last? Get ready to have some stereotypes shattered! Helpful chapters include: Who Are Resistant eaters? Oral-Motor Development Environmental and Behavioral Factors Contributing to Problems with Eating Designing and Implementing a Comprehensive Treatment Plan Stages of Sensory Development for Eating A Recipe for Success And more!

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March 4, 2025

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