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Pre-Owned Why School? (Hardcover) 1595584676 9781595584670

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Pre-Owned Why School? (Hardcover) 1595584676 9781595584670
Product Description

In the tradition of Jonathan Kozol this little book is driven by big questions. What does it mean to be educated? What is intelligence? How should we think about intelligence education and opportunity in an open society? Why is a commitment to the public sphere central to the way we answer these questions? Drawing on forty years of teaching and research from primary school to adult education and workplace training award-winning author Mike Rose reflects on these and other questions related to public schooling in America. He answers them in beautifully written chapters that are both rich in detail--a first-grader conducting a science experiment a carpenter solving a problem on the fly a college student s encounter with a story by James Joyce--and informed by a deep and powerful understanding of history the psychology of learning and the politics of education. Rose decries the narrow focus of educational policy in our time: the drumbeat of test scores and economic competition. Why School? will be embraced by parents and teachers alike and readers everywhere will be captivated by Rose s eloquent call for a bountiful democratic vision of the purpose of schooling.

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November 15, 2024

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