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Vehomy Chicken Perch Hamster Climbing Toy Wooden Arch Bridge Platform Stand Ladder 3in1 Climbing Ramp Toys for Chick Hamsters Gerbils Mice Rodent and Small Animals

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Product Name
Vehomy Chicken Perch Hamster Climbing Toy Wooden Arch Bridge Platform Stand Ladder 3in1 Climbing Ramp Toys for Chick Hamsters Gerbils Mice Rodent and Small Animals
Product Description

The small animal arch clambing ladders are used the stability principle of triangles solid and durable. The collected board comes with four round sticks that add some challenge for small pets to throw over it. The small climbing equipments are good play and rest place for small animals relieve hamsters boredom and improve activities.

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Last updated
December 17, 2024

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