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Triton Products® LocBin (2) 18ga Blue Epoxy Coated Louvered-Panel for Storing Plastic Hanging Bins 48 W x 24 H and Includes All Necessary Mounting Hardware

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Product Name
Triton Products® LocBin (2) 18ga Blue Epoxy Coated Louvered-Panel for Storing Plastic Hanging Bins 48 W x 24 H and Includes All Necessary Mounting Hardware
Product Description

Louvered panels provide an ideal method to mount plastic hanging bins of any size to a flat wall. Bins can be easily and securely mounted on the louvers and can be removed from each louver and transported to the job site as required. The bins attach easily to mount multiple size and color plastic hanging bins to the louvered panel. Mix and match hanging bin sizes and know that the bins and contents will remain secured to the louvered panel and not fall to the floor causing parts to be lost or mixed together. Louvered panels keep parts on a wall separated by each bin and offer a visible system to know when parts or items need to be replenished.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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