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Control High Blood Pressure Without Drugs : A Complete Hypertension Handbook (Paperback)

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Control High Blood Pressure Without Drugs : A Complete Hypertension Handbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Now completely revised and updated this proven hypertension treatment plan that reduces your reliance on potentially harmful medications. Hypertension is called the silent disease because it often gives no warning signs or symptoms. Its impact can be devastating: Both coronary heart disease and strokes are closely related to hypertension. But there is hope. In this fully updated and revised edition of his classic work Dr. Robert L. Rowan draws on the latest medical findings to help you prevent high blood pressure cope with it if it occurs and lower your blood pressure through sensible inexpensive natural means. He explains how to work with your doctor in developing a program that suits your personality age physiology weight and personal habits. Here you ll learn all you need to know about: -New tests that indicate the presence of high blood pressure in the absence of symptoms -Alternative techniques--from acupuncture to biofeedback to aromatherapy--that can relieve stress and lower blood pressure -Natural hypotensive therapies exercises and foods--including the amazing cholesterol-fighting omega-3 oils -Prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can affect blood pressure -The lowdown on diet including a month of healthful menus and dozens of quick-and-easy recipes With a comprehensive list of helpful Web sites and a fully updated bibliography Control High Blood Pressure Without Drugs brings you the information you need to manage your blood pressure and live a healthier life.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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