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Gilbert Law Summaries on Estate and Gift Taxation (Paperback) by Randall J. Gingiss

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Product Name
Gilbert Law Summaries on Estate and Gift Taxation (Paperback) by Randall J. Gingiss
Product Description

9780314143501. New condition. Paperback. Edition: 16. Language: English. Gilbert Law Summaries . Intended for professional and scholarly audience. This product provides an easy-to-follow detailed outline on estate and gift tax that discusses topics such as the substantive aspects of the estate and gift tax coordination of federal estate and gift taxes the generation-skipping transfer tax the taxing jurisdiction proposals for repeal of the federal estate tax valuation computation of tax and returns and payment of tax. This Estate and Gift Tax Outline discusses the Estate Tax the Gift Tax Coordination of the Federal Estate and Gift Taxes The Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Taxing Jurisdiction Proposals for Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax Substantive Aspects of the Estate Tax Substantive Aspects of the Gift Tax Valuation Computation of Tax Returns and Payment of Tax and Tax on Generation-Skipping Transfers.

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March 4, 2025

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