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The Handbook of Practical Spying (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Handbook of Practical Spying (Paperback)
Product Description

Readers are provided with a wry insider s look at the intrigues of espionage and the simple techniques that can protect the savvy spymaster from everyday crimes like identity theft and peeping toms. The mind is the only weapon that a spy is guaranteed to discharge on a daily basis. If you can adopt the principles described in this book you may not be ready to single-handedly take down a supervillain but you will be better prepared to counter the razor-sharp hats of hassle that the Odd Jobs of the world are continually flinging at you. It s the first step in learning how to think like a spy. Have you ever wanted to enter the world of espionage? In this light-hearted handbook the International Spy Museum shares tips on how to use classic spying techniques in your everyday life. Whether you need get your neighbor to stop stealing your morning newspaper or you d like to learn how to best hide your valuables in your home you re bound to find a tactic that will solve your problem. Sprinkled throughout are also quotes from famous figures and information on the history of spying.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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