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Ice Upon a Pier (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ice Upon a Pier (Paperback)
Product Description

My warped sense of morality embarrasses me. Ruta Pawlak is one of the most successful contract killers Pier-Upon-Pier City has ever seen. Convicted of five murders that landed her multiple life sentences her kill count allegedly sits between fifteen and two hundred people. Some were just for practice others for revenge and others she executed for money to keep her potentially world-record setting reading collection going. For the first time a biographer sits down with the legendary killer to hear her story in her own words. Get the details on her relationship with her depraved bosses and her eclectic arsenal of murder weapons from ice magic to poison to even the sun itself. From her impoverished upbringing to her introduction to the Syndicates to her bizarre affair with fellow killer Frieda Masters to Ruta s eventual downfall this account goes beyond headlines and court proceedings weaving a story of love family survival and murder. This novella is perfect for fans of true crime fantasy noir The Last Podcast on the Left and the interview portions of AMC s Interview with the Vampire series. Humans killing other humans wasn t natural. Humans killing monsters however might be.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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