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Bickmore Gall Salve Wound Cream 14 oz

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Product Name
Bickmore Gall Salve Wound Cream 14 oz
Product Description

Bickmore’s Gall Salve has been a proven medication since 1892. It’s the preferred treatment for any wound cut sore or scrape a horse can get. As a multi-purpose topical antiseptic ointment it has a unique combination of emollients to soften soothe and lubricate damaged skin. It’s unique formula will not rub or sweat off thereby providing round the clock healing. We also recommend it for use on scratches as it allows the scab to be removed without pain and fights infection beneath the scab. The special combination of ingredients enables Gall Salve to be a safe and effective healing agent even while the horse is at work.

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Last updated
December 15, 2024

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