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Gold Tone GT-500 (Banjitar)

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Product Name
Gold Tone GT-500 (Banjitar)
Product Description

The GT-500 6-string Banjitar is designed by guitar players at Gold Tone for guitar players. This is the most sought after 6-string banjo in its class. Traditionally styled with a maple rim maple resonator and flat top tone ring the GT-500 utilizes the proven 5-string banjo pot assembly. Coupled with a comfortable 6-string maple neck and rosewood fingerboard guitar players can achieve the banjo sound with their familiar playing techniques. The unique Gold Tone Sliding Magnetic Pickup (SMP) accentuates the bass response and provides piercing banjo-style treble typically associated with the banjo sound. This model has excellent acoustic volume and good sustain. Whether you are new to guitar or are looking for a new sound to add to your current guitar arsenal the GT-500 may be just what you are looking for!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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