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Vintage Departures: No Mercy : A Journey to the Heart of the Congo (Paperback)

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Product Name
Vintage Departures: No Mercy : A Journey to the Heart of the Congo (Paperback)
Product Description

Lit with humor full of African birdsong and told with great narrative force No Mercy is the magnum opus of probably the finest writer of travel books in the English language as Bill Bryson wrote in Outside and certainly the most daring. Redmond O Hanlon has journeyed among headhunters in deepest Borneo with the poet James Fenton and amid the most reticent imperilled and violent tribe in the Amazon Basin with a night-club manager. This however is his boldest journey yet. Accompanied by Lary Shaffer--an American friend and animal behaviorist a man of imperfect health and brave decency--he enters the unmapped swamp-forests of the People s Republic of the Congo in search of a dinosaur rumored to have survived in a remote prehistoric lake. The flora and fauna of the Congo are unrivalled and with matchless passion O Hanlon describes scores of rare and fascinating animals: eagles and parrots gorillas and chimpanzees swamp antelope and forest elephants. But as he was repeatedly warned the night belongs to Africa and threats both natural (cobras crocodiles lethal insects) and supernatural (from all-powerful sorcerers to Samalé a beast whose three-clawed hands rip you across the back) make this a saga of much fear and trembling. Omnipresent too are ecological depredations political and tribal brutality terrible illness and unnecessary suffering among the forest pygmies and an appalling waste of human life throughout this little-explored region. An elegant disturbing and deeply compassionate evocation of a vanishing world extraordinary in its depth scope and range of characters No Mercy is destined to become a landmark work of travel adventure and natural history. A quest for the meaning of magic and the purpose of religion and a celebration of the comforts and mysteries of science it is also--and above all--a powerful guide to the humanity that prevails even in the very heart of darkness.

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March 1, 2025

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