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Utrecht Studies in Air and Space Law: Heaven and Earth: Civilian Uses of Near-Earth Space: Civilian Uses of Near-Earth Space (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Utrecht Studies in Air and Space Law: Heaven and Earth: Civilian Uses of Near-Earth Space: Civilian Uses of Near-Earth Space (Hardcover)
Product Description

Near-earth space which extends to geosynchronous orbits where satellites remain faithfully over a fixed spot on the ground does not lend itself to romantic fantasies of science fiction. It is a working place from which services can be delivered with ease and efficiency. Meteorology seismic and crop-yield predictions environmental monitoring communications of all sorts guidance and navigation medical and educational services treaty verification and photographic reconnaissance news-gathering scientific observation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum prospecting remote sensing and monitoring of human activities are all in a day s work for near-earth space. Global cellular telephony only a few years ago the exclusive privilege of comic-book heroes is becoming a space-based commonplace. Planes that land in fog and cars that find their way in the labyrinthine streets of Tokyo guided from space are beyond a near horizon. Space is delivering its promise. This volume describes many of these activities and their prospects for changing the way we live communicate and travel on this Earth.

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March 4, 2025

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