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Creatures of the Desert World : A National Geographic Action Book (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Creatures of the Desert World : A National Geographic Action Book (Hardcover)
Product Description

An interactive pop-up book about desert animals that s as educational as it is fun This National Geographic Action Book takes readers through a day in the Sonoran Desert starting with the kestrel s morning flight and ending with night prowlers hunting under a full moon. The story bounces around from animal to animal with the large cast including mountain lions roadrunners and rattlesnakes. As children learn about these creatures and their arid yet beautiful habitat they are given the opportunity to use pull tabs to make birds fly snakes slither and pack rats play. The text also prompts readers to seek out hidden animals like foxes and Gila monsters taking refuge from the hot sun. Look closely under rocks and plants to find the shade seekers. Whether or not they are reading yet children are sure to love this multitiered pop-up book teeming with gorgeously illustrated saguaro cacti birds of prey and other Sonoran Desert mainstays.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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