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RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue - Toilet Paper for RV and Marine - 1-ply - 4 rolls - Thetford 20804

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Product Name
RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue - Toilet Paper for RV and Marine - 1-ply - 4 rolls - Thetford 20804
Product Description

RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue is an economical 1-ply RV and marine toilet paper that can be used in portable permanent or home toilets. Specially designed to break down in contact with the liquids from the holding tanks RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue flushes easily and dissolves rapidly helping prevent messy clogs. Highlights: VERSATILITY: RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue is designed to work with RV marine portable or even with classic toilets FUNCTIONALITY: The economical 1-ply toilet paper is soft snowy white and highly absorbent PERFORMANCE: Specially designed to work with RV and marine waste systems the toilet paper flushes easily and dissolves rapidly helping prevent messy clogs CONVENIENCE: RV/ Marine Toilet Tissue is 100% biodegradable and is available in 4 rolls per pack 350-sheets per roll

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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