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Arenus Sore No More the Sauce 8 Oz. Horse Care Liniments

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Product Name
Arenus Sore No More the Sauce 8 Oz. Horse Care Liniments
Product Description

The sauce is an arnica-based antifungal and antibacterial liniment for hooves legs and the entire body. Arnica rosemary lavender lobelia and PVP-iodine are all included in this proprietary extract of witch hazel bark and leaves. There are no harsh chemicals. Thoroughly clean the hoof. Apply evenly to the frog/sole area or anywhere else if thrush traumatized tissue or scratches are present. It s possible to utilize it every day. Also works as a topical leg brace astringent and leg paint. Slowly add 1/2 cup sugar to the sardine mix and mix until it is thick and creamy with a consistent consistency. If the mixture becomes too thin add more sugar. Only for equestrian and canine use. Before using it as a wound dressing on foals consult your veterinarian.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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