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I Married Joan: Classic TV Collection #1 (DVD) Vci Video Comedy

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Product Name
I Married Joan: Classic TV Collection #1 (DVD) Vci Video Comedy
Product Description

I MARRIED JOAN starred Joan Davis a movie and radio comedienne billed as America s Queen of Comedy and Jim Backus the voice of MR. MAGOO and the popular character Thurston Howell III from the GILLIGAN S ISLAND TV series. The show centered on Joan a scatterbrained housewife and her husband Bradley Stevens who was a staid and settled domestic court judge. Beverly Wills Joan Davis real-life daughter also co-starred on the show playing the part of her sister. The show was cut from the same mold as the I LOVE LUCY series with Joan Davis comedy antics derived from the physical school of humor. Ms. Davis produced the show under her own production company for NBC and the series ran for three years between 1952 and 1955. This special DVD collection on 2 discs contains 12 complete episodes from the TV series: Prize Fighter Wall Safe Joan s Haircut Changing Houses Talent Scout Bad Boy Honeymoon Home Movies New House Neighbors Alienation and Sister Pat.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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