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Hippocrene Dictionary and Phrasebook Western Armenian-English/ English-Western Armenian Dictionary & Phrasebook (Paperback)

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Product Name
Hippocrene Dictionary and Phrasebook Western Armenian-English/ English-Western Armenian Dictionary & Phrasebook (Paperback)
Product Description

Western Armenian is the language spoken by most of the seven million Diaspora Armenians who live outside their historic homeland. Its speakers form the majority of Armenians in the United States and the Middle East. Armenian is written in its own unique script but it is presented here in a Romanized easy-to-use form for instant communication. In addition to a pronunciation guide included are a resourceful two-way dictionary containing more than 4 000 entries an informative grammar section and a collection of travel-oriented phrases. Observations related to Armenian culture are interspersed throughout the phrasebook. There is also a brief history of the Armenian people and Diaspora.

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March 4, 2025

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