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A Goose In The Hand Is Worth Two Koalas In The Shrubbery (Paperback)
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Hello again folks! This time The Government Goose and his koala side-kicks Reg and Barry venture up the freeway for a trip to the country. After being locked up in the government office for far too long it was decided some fresh air and space to run amok would do them the world of good. Only it turned into absolute chaos as they played merry-go-rounds on the clothesline without any pants caused havoc in a local retirement village and tried to kick-start a garden broom-rake! So grab your gardening gloves pack up your pitchforks and don t forget to put on your gardening pants as we venture outside for some healthy recreational well-being time ... or you could just grab a nice little beverage find a comfy chair and watch all the action from the safety of the back verandah!
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