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Teaching Tolerance: Raising Open-Minded Empathetic Children (Paperback)

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Teaching Tolerance: Raising Open-Minded Empathetic Children (Paperback)
Product Description

Teaching Tolerance is an invitation to parents and teachers: an invitation to examine their own habits and attitudes toward the community around them. Sara Bullard believes that once a parent is aware of the attitudes they were raised with it is easier for them to teach their children true tolerance toward others. The first chapters of Teaching Tolerance focus on the humanness of intolerance-no one is truly exempt from the habit of judging others. The fourth chapter outlines the work required to alter intolerant instincts. The last four chapters walk parents through children s need for security self-expression and moral guidance; needs which if respectfully met will free them to be comfortable both with themselves and with people of different backgrounds. Bullard concludes each chapter with questions and suggestions for journal writing to help parents further explore their own attitudes. Also included is an extensive list of books toys games and music that explore ethnicity and promote tolerance.

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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