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Axis Scientific 5X Enlarged Human Eye Model Eyeball Anatomy Multi-Part Structure Dissects to 7 Anatomically Correct Parts of Eye Includes Removable Stand Detailed Product Manual 3 Year Warranty

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Product Name
Axis Scientific 5X Enlarged Human Eye Model Eyeball Anatomy Multi-Part Structure Dissects to 7 Anatomically Correct Parts of Eye Includes Removable Stand Detailed Product Manual 3 Year Warranty
Product Description

The Axis Scientific 5x Enlarged 7-Part Human Eye Anatomy Model is an anatomically correct representation of the human eyeball. The model can be separated into 7 different parts to highlight the layers pathways and structures that contribute to its main function: vision. The spinal nerves and arteries are color-keyed to differentiate between them and other features on the model. The life-size model also includes a desktop base stand making it perfectly compact for display and study anywhere. This high-quality cervical spine anatomy model was cast from an original human spine specimen and is a perfect resource for medical students educators and professionals.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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