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Pre-Owned Medical Spanish Fourth Edition (Paperback) 0071442006 9780071442008

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Pre-Owned Medical Spanish Fourth Edition (Paperback) 0071442006 9780071442008
Product Description

Publisher s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality authenticity or access to any online entitlements included with the product. You don t need to master Spanish to treat your Spanish-speaking patients with confidence and expertise With no prior knowledge of Spanish and this book at your fingertips you can confidently conduct patient medical history interviews perform physical examinations and give medical instructions to Spanish-speaking patients. Carefully constructed to elicit one-word yes or no answers Medical Spanish empowers you to obtain and give the information you need without struggling to understand an unfamiliar language or risking errors due to miscommunication. Easy-to-use Yes or No question-and-answer format Clear pronunciation grammar and spelling guidance NEW chapter on physical and sexual abuse and rape Expanded coverage of patient privacy informed consent and HIPPA confidentiality Expanded and updated coverage of breast feeding birth control and HIV Common terms and verbs

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February 21, 2025

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