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The New Physics of Healing : A Groundbreaking Look at Your Body s Natural Life-Changing Powers (CD-Audio)

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Product Name
The New Physics of Healing : A Groundbreaking Look at Your Body s Natural Life-Changing Powers (CD-Audio)
Product Description

On the molecular and cellular level the body that you had four years ago no longer exists teaches Dr. Deepak Chopra. It has been entirely replaced atom by atom. Given this fact could it be that the core of who you are and your health lies beyond the material body? The New Physics of Healing invites you to consider an astonishing possibility now being demonstrated in the fields of physics and modern medicine: we are composed of a rapidly changing field of pure information that sustains and influences our physical health. Is it possible to access this river of intelligent energy first described in India s Ayurvedic medical tradition more than 5 000 years ago? How do specific emotions influence your biochemistry and your health? Can your imagination affect the course of an illness? How do you break through the ingrained belief patterns to discover your true healing potential? On this updated edition of The New Physics of Healing Dr. Chopra offers a fascinating exploration of these and many other questions. Includes an all-new interview with this visionary pioneer of mind-body medicine which is not available elsewhere.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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