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Entre Nous: A Woman s Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl (Paperback)

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Product Name
Entre Nous: A Woman s Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl (Paperback)
Product Description

French women s secrets to being self-possessed self-satisfied and fully self-expressed. Provocative and practical lively and intelligent Entre Nous unlocks the mystery of the French girl and the secrets of her self-possession. Why do French women always look inimitably stylish? How do they manage to sit in a café for a three-course lunch and a glass of themselves? What gives them the certainty that allows them to refuse anything--whether a man a job or a little black dress--that doesn t suit them perfectly? More than just a book on fashion Entre Nous is about the essence of French living--its observations about French women and their ways will help you take the best of all pages from the French girl s book: the page that reveals how to really enjoy life. Ollivier spent a decade in France and learned a thing or two about how French women cultivate that sense of being easy in one s skin...(she) helps us bridge the cultural gap. - Seattle Times

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March 4, 2025

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