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Toilet Paper (Paperback)

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Product Name
Toilet Paper (Paperback)
Product Description

Issue 9 of of Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari s accessible image-based artists magazine that challenges the limits of the contemporary art economyToilet Paper is an artists magazine created and produced by Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari born out of a passion or obsession they both cultivate: images. The magazine contains no text; each picture springs from an idea often simple and through a complex orchestration of people it becomes the materialization of the artists mental outbursts. Since the first issue in June 2010 Toilet Paper has created a world that displays ambiguous narratives and a troubling imagination. It combines the vernacular of commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery. The result is a publication that is itself a work of art which through its accessible form as a magazine and through its wide distribution challenges the limits of the contemporary art economy.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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