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Rule of Three: The Rule of Three (Series #1) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Rule of Three: The Rule of Three (Series #1) (Hardcover)
Product Description

A gripping adventure about what happens in the first hours days and weeks after the world goes dark One shocking afternoon computers around the globe shut down in a viral catastrophe. At sixteen-year-old Adam Daley s high school the problem first seems to be a typical electrical outage until students discover that cell phones are down municipal utilities are failing and a few computer-free cars like Adam s are the only vehicles that function. Driving home Adam encounters a storm tide of anger and fear as the region becomes paralyzed. Soon--as resources dwindle crises mount and chaos descends--he will see his suburban neighborhood band together for protection. And Adam will understand that having a police captain for a mother and a retired government spy living next door are not just the facts of his life but the keys to his survival in The Rule of Three by Eric Walters.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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