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Johns Hopkins Press Health Books (Paperback): Parkinson s Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families (Paperback)

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Johns Hopkins Press Health Books (Paperback): Parkinson s Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families (Paperback)
Product Description

The third edition incorporates findings from years of intensive research. Recent innovations including deep brain stimulation and new medications have significantly improved the lives of people who have Parkinson s disease. Nevertheless patients and families continue to face many challenges. They have long relied on this book for reliable advice about medical emotional and physical issues. Bringing this trusted guide up to date three expert neurologists describe - New understandings gained by five years of additional research on Parkinson s disease - New focus on the importance of exercise - New information about imaging techniques such as SPECT Scan and DATScan that are aiding in the diagnosis - New findings about the genetics of the disease - Promising uses of new technologies such as tablet devices for people who have trouble communicating - Information about impulse control disorders caused by some drugs used to address the symptoms of the disease - A complete update on treatments such as medications surgery and more

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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