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Llewellyn s Practical Magick Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (Paperback)

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Product Name
Llewellyn s Practical Magick Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (Paperback)
Product Description

Natural magic utilizes the world around us for magical purposes. Herbs are one of the most important tools for natural magic and the best introduction to this system is found in Scott Cunningham s Magical Herbalism. This book presents a complete system of magic using herbs. You will learn the theory of magic and the tools you ll need. Then you ll get countless techniques for using herbs for magic. Need a protection method? \ Pick several protective herbs and bind the stems together with red thread then hang them up. This practice dates back to Babylonian times.\ You ll find a list of over 115 herbs that details their magical powers so you can easily find which ones are protective in nature. How about a divination using herbs? \ Get a small quantity of dried patchouly mugwort or wormwood. Crumble the herb between your hands until it is finely diminished. Next pour it into a small square pan (glass or ceramic). Light yellow candles and place the pan on your working area. Close your eyes extend the index finger of your weak hand and gently touch the center of the pan with its tip. Move it at random in the pan shifting from one direction to another ... Now remove your finger open your eyes and interpret the symbols you have just written in the herb.\ All of the techniques rituals spells talismans healing methods and charms are this easy. And most importantly they work! You ll also find how to make and use incenses scented oils perfumes fluid condensers and so much more. Here is your chance to work with a beautiful and simple system. Give it a try! You won t be disappointed.

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March 4, 2025

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