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Forensic Pathology Reviews: Forensic Pathology Reviews (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Forensic Pathology Reviews: Forensic Pathology Reviews (Hardcover)
Product Description

A collection of cutting-edge reviews of many of the key recent medical and legal advances in forensic science. These critical surveys concentrate on common pathological entities likely to be encountered in daily forensic routine as well as on specific pathological conditions rarely seen in the autopsy room. Complementing rather than replacing the classic textbooks in forensic pathology the authors explore new avenues for analyzing the pathology of burned bodies traumatic brain injury death by drug abuse sudden cardiac death sudden infant death and neonaticide and fatalities resulting from kicking and trampling. Other areas of interest include accidental autoerotic deaths hypothermia fatalities injuries from resuscitation procedures the interpretation of alcohol levels in different specimens and the potential forensic differential diagnoses and interpretation of iliopsoas muscle hemorrhage in the light of autopsy.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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