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Charles Leonard Three Hole Heavy Duty Adjustable Paper Punch Black 40 Sheet Capacity

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Product Name
Charles Leonard Three Hole Heavy Duty Adjustable Paper Punch Black 40 Sheet Capacity
Product Description

The three-hole heavy duty adjustable paper punch features black enamel finish non-skid base removable chip trap and accurate built-in centering guides. Fully adjustable and converts to a two-hole punch with built-in neutralizing center head. Punches up to 40 sheets of 16 lb. paper. 9/32 hole Diameter. 60 years of commitment and still going strong! Charles Leonard is a second generation family business and we understand that our success is due in large part to the extended nature of that family. We offer over 1 000 products that are used daily in offices schools and homes. When you clip staple pin punch draw glue color and create we are there.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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