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Jelly Belly BeanBoozled Jelly Beans 20 Assorted Flavors 3.5 oz Theater Box

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Product Name
Jelly Belly BeanBoozled Jelly Beans 20 Assorted Flavors 3.5 oz Theater Box
Product Description

Are you brave enough?It s a box of candy and a game all in one! Jelly Belly BeanBoozled jelly beans are meant to take your taste buds on a roller coaster with beans that look like all your favorite Jelly Belly jelly beans but have unexpected flavors. Compare some of our tastiest and most popular flavors with our wildest ones. But here s the catch: you won t know which ones are which!BeanBoozled includes 20 flavors of jelly beans: 10 weird and wild flavors that look identical to 10 classic and delicious flavors. Spin the wheel (if you dare) to decide which color of jelly bean to eat. If you happen to get a weird and wild bean instead of a tasty one you ve been BeanBoozled! Think you can tell the difference between the tasty Toasted Marshmallow and pungent Stink Bug? What about delicious Birthday Cake and not-so-delicious Dirty Dishwater? There s only one way to tell these jelly beans apart - take the BeanBoozled challenge!

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Last updated
January 29, 2025

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